Lugina Suciati Putri, Gadang Ramantoko


IFLEX launches its first version of MVP for IndiHome technicians. But there are some flaws in the validation method that performed on the first version of MVP so that it requires an alternative method of validation that is measurable and needs to be implemented since the start to be able to validate many users in the future. Therefore, process mining is applied to the second version of MVP as an alternative validation method on the pre-login/pre-register process. Process mining with process discovery method using the Celonis Snap application is able to produce the actual process model occurred by utilizing data from the IFLEX’s event log recorded from 13 March 2020 to 13 April 2020 on the implementation of the sprint 1 whose users are registered as Telkom employees in Medan. The process model simplifies process analysis on pre-login/Pre-register pages.

There are 563 activities with the 43 case ids on data from the event log. After filtered, 26 case ids are obtained in pre-login/pre-register process. From this data, a process model with various visualizations is obtained. Up to 5 main activities (Onboarding 1, Login, email input for login, input password for login and try login), average users time complete the process (92 seconds), three subprocesses (application introduction, register and login) and the time of each activities. The findings became the basis for IFLEX to conduct further research on the effectiveness and efficiency.


Keywords: processes, process mining, process discovery, process model, activity

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