Gilang Pratama,, Elistia Elistia


Research on the Z generation workforce is important to do related that this workforce has just entered the world of work, which is recorded as having reached a total proportion of 40% in various industrial sectors available in the labor market. By understanding earlier about the factors that can affect employee performance, management can carry out human resource planning and design to ensure improved performance. Departing from changes in today's competitive organizational management and the very few empirical studies on the Z generation workforce, the main object of this research is to help stakeholders increase their organization's competitive advantage from the aspect of human resource management. In this study, the population used is the labor force classified as generation Z (year of birth; 1997-2007) in Indonesia. The sample method used in this study is Non-Probability Sampling, with a sample size of 475 respondents. The data analysis technique used in this research is the Structural Equation Modeling technique with the Partial Least Squares method. Based on the results of testing and discussion, it is concluded that Organizational Culture has the greatest positive influence on Generation Z Employee Performance, Leadership with a Transformational Style and Work Motivation has a positive influence on Generation Z Employee Performance and subsequently Job Satisfaction is proven to mediate the three exogenous variables on Employee Performance.


Keywords: Generation Z, Motivation, Leadership, Satisfaction, Performance.

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